
If you have been watching the weekly, Tuesdays with Tanya, on Facebook Live at 10:00 am, you have heard me talk about God doing a new thing in me. God moves us into new seasons, whether we want it or not.

We should expect new seasons of life, it is natural. However, spiritually speaking, for each new season, we must see God with a higher level of clarity, which requires an identity shift, which means we are required to see ourselves in a new way. Which also means embracing our present situation.

I am calling this season a time of “Re-vision.”

The easiest way to explain Re-vision is to list some examples.


-Has my activity defined my identity?

      Re-vision= If my core identity is not rooted and established in my Creator, I cannot enter each new season of life fully committed. Not to mention, it will not be easy. (Even if you are successful at the task)

-Are my insecurities choking out my identity?

     Re-Vision= I must see myself and my life through my perfect heavenly Father’s eyes of love.

-I have great faith in God; why can I not embrace that I am His completely?

     Re-Vision= Letting God do a new thing in me (or you) does not require more faith, but a changed perception. Faith is believing what God can do, but my identity in Him is believing what God will do through me.

I am reminded again of the story in Matthew where Jesus came to do a new thing, give a new message of hope, healing, peace, and eternal life. His analogy was putting new wine in an old wineskin. If you do put new wine in an old stretched out wineskin, it will burst.

When God moves us into a new season, we are to check where our allegiance lies and who or what we are looking to fill our wineskins. And are we trying something new with old habits and old ways of thinking?

Re-Visioning my new season of life through God’s filters of love and mercy, and new purpose. Praying we all have faith in God, but that our identity is in Him and what He can do through us!

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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