If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

orange petaled flowers

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?


I’ll give you a minute to stop laughing, or maybe stop groaning. Anyway, spring has arrived with the wildflowers blooming across Texas. It is this time of year  I look forward to planting a plethora of flowers. I have learned exactly where to place my flower pots so they can thrive in their environment. Some require lots of sunshine, while others only need a little. Certain flowers need more attention than others, and then there are the “low maintenance-blooms a lot” flowers, those are my favorite. 

But every single flower must have water to live. No matter if the surrounding is ideal or if the flower is planted in the best pot in the world,  if the flower doesn’t get watered, it will die. So, water is what brings life, not the setting or situation. 

We are remarkably like flowers.  With a decent environment, good housing, some sun, and a little attention, we can strive in life. But if we have no water, we perish. And we were never meant to strive in life but thrive! We need to be watered! And we get our thirst quenched in several ways, but one is, and you are not going to like this answer, but we get watered from our storms in life.  

Consider how a flower in a container looks lovely until a storm arrives and knocks the blossoms off and the leaves sag. Then, given time and some sun (Son), they grow stronger, blossoming more and brighter. The second way we get watered is, metaphorically, we go to the well and drink the living water. Jesus is the source of this living water and brings life and divine renewal. 

The phrase “going to the well” is derived from the Samaritan women’s story in John Chapter 4. I’ll let you read the narrative for yourself and then ask yourself, “How am I like the Samaritan women?”

Twenty-eight is my favorite verse in the chapter. “The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone.” You see, the woman didn’t need anything else, all she needed was the living water that Jesus offered.   

Please take a moment to read John Chapter 4 and ask the Lord for you to have insight into this passage. Allow His living water to provide you with the life you need to thrive in your environment. 

Jesus, thank you that you are our source of life. You fill our weary souls. Lord, let it be you we run to for our every need. Thank you, Jesus, that you love us unconditionally, and enable me Holy Spirit to stay at the well and receive your fresh flow of living water. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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