Privilege and Purpose

The role of an Ambassador is a privilege and comes with great purpose. In our world, an Ambassador is a highest-ranking representative sent abroad to a specific nation or international organization, and they represent their country in lieu of their National Leader.

To give you further insight;

-An Ambassador is not elected but appointed by his National Leader and handpicked because of the stellar qualities that he possesses.

-The Ambassador must be influential for his government, and when questioned, he never shares his personal position, but he speaks his nation’s official position.

-While performing his responsibilities abroad, the Ambassador has access to all his nation’s wealth. He is protected and entirely covered by his government. He receives a salary, housing, transportation, and food (provision). While abroad, his place of residence may be appealing; however, the Ambassador does not attempt to become a citizen there. Lastly, the Ambassador can only be recalled home by his Leader.

Pointing out the obvious, as Christians, God has appointed us, handpicked (created) us to be His Ambassador. God is our provider and gives us hope and promise of a greater place for eternity. What I find to be sometimes challenging, is remembering I am representing our Leader, our God, always, to everyone, everywhere I go. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf. Be reconciled to God.”

The Lord gives us directions in Joshua 3:5, He tells us plainly, “Consecrate yourselves (set apart), for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

Asking myself the following questions has been helpful for me, maybe a launchpad for you too.

-What are you doing with your high privilege and purpose?

-Are you choosing your time wisely?

-Are you making choices that help present yourself as an instrument for noble purposes?

-Would others immediately know you are Christs Ambassador?

I know for me, and I am sorry to say, I need to be reminded sometimes of my role. I’m thankful for God’s patience and mercy with me.

Lord, I pray we each are impactful Ambassadors for You! In Jesus name, Amen.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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