This week’s blog is written by Lynne Freauf.  Lynne serves as our Prayer Team Lead, as well as other key roles in Choose to Soar, and Lake Pointe Church.




A cute adage. And it’s true. However, when a “valley ” time comes, a cute maxim doesn’t help.  When a crisis hits, or a debilitating occurrence strikes your heart or home,  a trite saying only hurts.  Life is disappointing…….Life is a disaster……. Life is too painful……..

How can I handle this?? 


The truth is that so much of life is too much for us to handle. We were not meant to go it alone.  Our Lord God is the only one who can adequately handle these life events.  He has and is what we need to get through the valleys.  His Word is the salve for our hurts. 

He calls us to community that we might have a support system. He provides a full armor to cover and protect us from the enemy.  When we call out to Him, praising Him in his strength and not ours,  taking our eyes off of our circumstances and lifting them to Him, we can begin to take a step forward.  He gives light for just one step at a time,  which is His mercy upon us to move slowly.  Praise moves our focus off of our circumstance and on to our One and Only Lover of our Soul. Knowing and believing that His Word is true, and meant for our very best,  is the balm for what comes at us. He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. 


Life is fragile, handle with prayer!


“Heavenly Father,  You alone are my Strength and Shield. When I try to fix things myself, I make it worse. I do not have the entire picture of the situation like You do. You can answer my prayer in a way I could never have imagined. You give peace in place of anxiety. You protect me, sometimes from myself. You are Creator God, and can do all things. When I place my trust in You, and place You alone as Lord of my life, I can lay my head down and rest. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers, for this life is difficult. Life is fragile, but You are strong. I will rest in that. 

In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen”

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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