You too can prevent “Forest Fires”

You too can prevent “Forest Fires”

An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins.  Proverbs 29:22

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27


As Christians, we are to be focused and unified, not undecided, and divided. When we don’t stand firm together, we can cause division and dissension.  

There has been plenty to be angry about in the last few weeks, and anger is not a bad thing. God created all emotions, but out of control, anger is like a wildfire. Everything anger touches, gets burned.  It tends to be easy to get caught up in the “fires” of today and even be the person who ignites them. Paul reminds us too in 1 Corinthians that everything is permissible, but—not everything is beneficial. Words can kill or bring life. We, as Christians, are to choose life!

What can you and I do to prevent the fires started by an uncontrolled tongue?  I’m glad you asked. And this next thought came straight from the Lord.  Be a Solution, not part of the problem!

Unfortunately, I know about these “fires” from experience.  As I was ranting and raving about some of today’s issues, I could feel the anger rising in me.  I can get “fired-up” about some things, and it doesn’t do any good except take me on a path that contributes to dissension.  Now, don’t get me wrong, we are to stand firm in our faith, but with wisdom and a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. 

Let us be part of the solution by devoting our lives to what really counts; Using our God-given gifts to equip and encourage others to be all God intended.  Let us stand together as Christians and unit against the real opposition.

Start now! Take a minute and ask the Lord to refocus your perspective and where you can be an encouragement to someone. When we all do this, the “fires” tend to burn out. 

Father God, it seems as though we are surrounded by so many circumstances creating anger, sorrow, and division within our own. Lord, we know that is not what you want. Lord, forgive the words that hurt and destroy and fill us with Your Words that bring life! In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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