Sharing Your Story

man and woman holding hands

There is an interesting story in Mark 5 about a demon-possessed man. Jesus commands these demons out of the man into a herd of pigs. Who says the Bible is boring?

What an incredibly rich story this is. What you might have missed is how this healed man becomes a great missionary. He shares his faith boldly, as it is recorded in the Scriptures. If you keep reading, you will come to the story of the feeding of the four thousand in chapter eight. It was the once demon-possessed man who Jesus told to stay in the Gentile region of the Decapolis who started sharing his story of how Jesus had mercy on him and healed him. Note that this group of 4000 were Gentiles, not Jews.

In other words, because Jesus went to the Decapolis, which is basically the “Vegas” of our time, He healed and showed mercy on a man who then, in turn, shared his story, and a crowd of 4000 gathered to hear Jesus when he came back.

So, the moral of the story is, are you sharing your story? The story of how God saved you, healed you, showed mercy on you, and forgives you?    Why is it we do not speak freely of Jesus as we do with so many other topics? Are we afraid to go outside our “Christian bubble?”  In Mark 5:18, Jesus was getting into the boat, and the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Of course, he did, wouldn’t you?   But then you wonder why Jesus tells him in verse 19, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”   It is obvious now, but at the time, the demon-possessed man had no idea what sharing his story would do for so many.

Come to our Encounter Weekend on August 18-20th and learn how to share your story and discuss your faith in today’s culture. Who knows, you may be responsible for many lives saved by God’s grace all because you shared your story. Go to to register.

Lord, let us all be bold servants for You. There are people eager and hungry to hear the good news about Jesus. Let us embrace what we think might be an awkward conversation and know that it could be the key to a renewed new life for someone. Thank you, Lord, for the Holy Spirit as our witness doesn’t depend on our words alone but on our willingness to share how you have healed and renewed us. May we all be salt and light to those who are seeking. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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