Jesus Entered Her Pain

He entered her pain before He restored her peace.

Have you ever felt the dark? When Mary’s brother, Lazarus, dies, Mary experiences all the emotions of grief. But also a profound confusion as her family’s best friend, Jesus, didn’t help prevent Lazarus’s death. Although they had seen Jesus do miracles and believed He was the Messiah, the disappointment and the crushed hope left Mary and Martha in complete darkness.   They didn’t know what to believe now. But especially Mary. Mary, the sister who had worshipped Him so sweetly.

There may have been a time when loneliness took over your life. All that you felt was the dark. And maybe your situation was amplified by the fact that what you greatly desire is what everyone around you has.

I have been there too. This darkness led me to ask, “Am I not good enough?” Which my Spirit seemed to reply with, “When will God be enough for you?”

Talk about perspective change! Loneliness is real, but I wonder if we feel lonely sometimes because we expect other people to satisfy our needs in the way only God can.

Take some time to write these questions down about yourself, and let the Lord enter your pain to restore your peace.   Take a minute and read the full story in John 11. Do what Mary did. Let Jesus enter your pain; let Him hold you.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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