Give Thanks

brown wooden board

Give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4b

This Thanksgiving, you might be in a battle you are not winning and finding it hard to be thankful for anything. Everyone around you seems to be celebrating and excited to spend time with family and friends. And you want this week to end, especially the Christmas season.

Friend, there are no magic words to tell you. And being in your state of mind before, what brought me relief was to physically write down a list of 50 things I was thankful for and then write 25 attributes to praise God.   I started with simple things; however, my attitude may have needed to be corrected when I started writing, but it changed before I completed my list.

Start with simple things like:

I am thankful for the roof over my head.

I am grateful for my car.

I am Thankful for my friend.

Praise God for:

He is my Prince of Peace.

He will never leave me.

He is my Provider.

Praising God for who He is and giving thanks for all He has done is an exercise I practice and teach.   God is in the business of changing hearts and attitudes.

May you sense His presence and faithfulness this Thanksgiving week and every week.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Choose to Soar Team.


Mark your calendars for Giving Tuesday this upcoming Tuesday, November 28. We are inviting you to come alongside us to continue helping women become secure in their identities and significance in Christ first and foremost. Would you prayerfully consider helping us reach our goal of $25,000 on November 28th? Donate here.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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