Family Ministry Friends

God’s household is not a building.

“You are no longer strangers or foreigners but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of the household of God.”  Ephesians 2:19

God’s household is a group of people. The Apostle Paul repeatedly used the word “one” in chapter 2 of Ephesians to emphasize the unifying work of Christ. As Christians, we are “one” family, and God becomes our Father.

Let me introduce you to some of our “family ministry friends.”

The Bucket Ministry

The Bucket Ministry shares God’s love through the gift of clean, safe, drinking water. They provide under-resourced communities around the world with long-lasting water filters, forge and nurture new relationships with Jesus Christ, and inspire systemic, Christ-centered change through discipleship training.

Children’s Relief International

CRI exists to share the light of Christ with the poor of our time. They seek four outcomes from their work. CARE: Care, Awaken, Raise, and Enable. These outcomes lead to the Church’s growth and strengthening worldwide.

The PTSD Foundation of America

The Mission of the PTSD Foundation of America is to bring hope and healing to Combat Veterans and their families suffering from the effects of combat-related Post Traumatic Stress.

Mary DeMuth

Author, Speaker, Podcaster, and Artist, Mary DeMuth is using her creative gifts to help others re-story their past and live in their restored present and future.

These “family” members are running the race God has called them to do. They serve, equip, and bring hope and healing to those who are hurting, all in the name of Jesus.

Come meet these Ambassadors and be encouraged as you encourage them. Discover how you can utilize or get involved with a local, female-led ministry. They will be sharing their information and would love to meet you. Don’t forget to enter your name in all the drawings.
STAY TUNED for next week’s blog and meet more “family ministry friends.”

What: Ministry Discovery Pop-Up
When: Friday, July 14th, 9:00 am- 2:00 pm
Where: Choose to Soar Ministries, 303 E Rusk, Rockwall, 75087

Paul continued his theme of unification to the Philippians. He told them that as the “body of Christ,” we are to be focused and unified. We are to stand firm in “one” Spirit.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Word. We cannot share the gospel or stand firm against the enemy alone. May we all conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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