Church Sign Funnies

In our new email newsletter, every week you will see a section called “She Laughs.” God created laughter, and laughter is good medicine. Laughter has been known to strengthen our immune system, elevate our mood, diminish pain, lower stress hormones, and it’s is biblical. See the book of Proverbs. So, we want to make sure you have a laugh every week.  To get you started, the following signs were found outside churches across the states. Enjoy, and as someone once said, “A good laugh heals a lot of hurts.”

Funny Church Signs

*Some people forget how to pray until the cop makes a U-turn.

*We love hurting people.

*We’re all ‘bout dat grace, ‘bout dat grace, no devil

*Be salt and light, Not salty and lit.

*Want to know what hell is like? Come hear our preacher.

*Our preacher is nuts and his wife is bananas -come see why.

*Worship now, beat the Easter rush.

*Cross-eyed people have the best vision.

*Blah Blah Blah—Just come to church!

*Life is cray cray. Jesus is the way way.

*He is divine we are dibranches

*Choose the Bread of Life or you are toast.

And my favorite sign:

Women’s Bible Stud  688-8092

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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