Winds of Spring

Spring is a welcomed time.  I can say that whole heartily living in Texas.  As our last three months, we have said hello to spring every week for two-three hours, we also said hello to summer and fall, and desperately wanting to say goodbye winter. I saw a post where someone asked the rest of the country to pray for Texas. Not because anything was wrong, because we didn’t know what to wear each day.

Spring is a “new life” time. Trees are birthing new buds, the yards of lifeless brown are fading and making their way to fresh new green, even the small yellow flower weeds are an appreciated sight.

But this time of year can also be challenging for those who have lost a loved one. The freshness in the wind seems to blow in reminders of life continuing without that person you loved, whether it’s been 3 months, 3 years, or 30 years.

A friend of mine has taken her pain of losing a child to launch a ministry for grieving Moms. On April 27th, Susan and her team, Hope Dawning, will host a brunch at Divine Peace Church in Rockwall, Texas. In attendance will be Mothers of all ages. The purpose of their ministry and this special annual event is to focus on how your child lived instead of how they left.  Susan has told me many heart-warming stories of women who have attended this event and how they were blessed and moved closer to healing and rebuilding their lives.

If you are grieving the loss of a child, think about spending this luncheon with other hearts that understand your pain.

And as a reminder to those who speak words of encouragement to those who are grieving, sometimes a phrase best left unsaid is, “but at least…” This phrase does not help heal anyone’s heart. And actually, it can spawn anger and a fight for validation of a hurting heart.

Friends, God tells us to mourn with those who mourn, to show mercy and compassion to one another. God tells us through Isaiah that He will strengthen us and help us, and uphold us with His righteous right hand.  Ask God to heal your heart and strengthen you. Pray for your courage to turn and fix your eyes on Him and what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, and what is unseen is eternal.

I am praying for your willingness to seek God and let Him love you!

Praising Him!


To register for the luncheon mentioned above, send a note to Susan at, and she will send you an evite that will go out the end of March.  

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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