Vast Army


…..of very great extent or quantity.  Synonyms: Huge, Boundless, Massive, Colossal, Gargantuan-Herculean.  

Do you sometimes feel like you are carrying a Huge load of troubles, and your heart is aching massively with your soul being flooded with Herculean aggravation that creates boundless anger mixed with sorrow?

Sheesh, that was a mouthful.  Just trying to paint a picture of what some days feel like. But maybe it’s just me. 

The word “Vast” says it all.  In 2 Chronicles 20:12, the term “vast” appears like this; “O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this VAST army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.”  

The people of Judah were pleading with God to help them because the “Vast Army,” the Moabites and Ammonites, had declared war on them.  A few scriptures later, we see our term “vast” again.  Verse 15; This is what the LORD says to you:  Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.   What a relief!  But could it be we are to ignore our “vast army,” and it will go away? No! Our instructions were to keep moving towards our “vast army,” stand firm, and praise God.  Praise the Lord for the “splendor of his holiness.”  Wait! What?  So, you are telling me I am to Praise God, and He will take care of my battles that seem to be overwhelming and all-consuming? 

According to the Scriptures, when we trust in the Lord and have an active faith, meaning we can praise Him for a promise not yet performed, God honors His promises. However, that doesn’t always mean God will always make the battle disappear completely as He did in this story, and it doesn’t mean we do not “ready” ourselves. 

The story continues with Jehoshaphat’s army being lead with men singing praises to the Lord. When the men of Judah got to the place that overlooks the battlefield, the “vast army” had destroyed each other. Not one man was alive. All that was left were things of great value for the men to collect. There was no battle for Jehoshaphat and his army. God saw to it.  

I encourage you to read all of 2 Chronicles 20. So many rich principles in this story. Besides the great reminder of seeking God, turning to Him fully, Praying, Praising Him before the battle, during the battle, and after!  

It is hard to praise when discouraged, and the weight of our “army” is suffocating you. But as you read this story, you will see  Peace, Peace that surpasses all understanding is a result of Praising Him!

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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