Sometimes it is short mottos that can bring my perspective back in balance. Maybe one of the following will be helpful to you before you reach “tilt.”
-Trust Jesus to make bitter things in your life, sweet things! (Revelation)
-Do you want to be healed? (John 5:6) Jesus was assessing this man’s readiness- how about you?
-If you stop building, you spend your life fighting the attack, and you never get back to building. (Fighting against family, faith, etc.) Nehemiah didn’t stop building.
-New opportunities can cause detours- but if faithful to the calling God gave you, then you can turn away from the detours that drain. (Judges 8)
-The treasures found in the Bible are many and typically in layers. Pay attention and read Scriptures in context. What is being communicated vs What is being said.
-Helen Keller was once asked what was worse than being born blind. Her response? “Having sight without vision.”
-Stop anticipating the sacrifice and start anticipating the reward!
–“Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, SO THAT you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:3