Ignited by Revelation

Seven weeks ago, we started a Bible study on Revelation. This study, titled, The Missing Piece, was more of a why and how you should read, this challenging yet life-changing, full of Jesus, and hope, book. The purpose of this study was to dispel any fears of reading Revelation and igniting your faith to want to learn more of God’s Word.

Did we finish the study with unanswered questions? We did. Many, to be exact. But we also left with a thirst for more of God and His Word. Seeing the many blessings and reasons to Praise Him in this book labeled by some as scary, and too hard to read, was a pleasant surprise.

Like many, you have probably read Revelation but stop about halfway through. Or, maybe you have read it, and all you walked away with was is was hard to understand and weird. Some people are afraid to read Revelation. But let me tell you, I fully understand why the enemy has placed every obstacle in our mind not to read the ending of the Bible. You see, once you do read it, and meditate on it for a while; God reveals so much to you about Him and His Word, you can’t help but be encouraged and have a desire to know more. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the great big dose of hope you receive just from spending some quality time reading this Revelation of Jesus Christ.

I can’t encourage you enough to read this book with an open heart and an attitude of praise. Take your time in reading it, and know you are going to need to read this book more than once. Pray for God to reveal to you the hidden treasures in this book. I pray your faith is ignited, so you will see what a brilliant, loving, full of grace strategist God is and how He loves us so much, He is worthy of our trust, and praise.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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