I Want To….But

I want to not be afraid of the future.  But… my eyes are fixed on what is seen.

I want to live with praise on my lips and a worshipful heart. But… my mind and heart are filled with earthly things.

I want to be all God intends for me to be. But… I get weary, tired of fighting the battle.

I want to run well the race set before me.  But… perseverance escapes me.

I want to live with passion and hope.  But… despair robs my motivation.

We want answers to “I want to… or Why did this happen…or What if… or How do I overcome….” Friends, knowing these answers won’t give us the peace we want, passion for a purpose, or the perseverance to fight our battles and face our trials.  The answer to our “I want to’s” or “What if’s,” is knowing God. Not knowing about Him but knowing Him.  And we get to know Him by reading His Word, praying, praising, and memorizing His Word.  Don’t just take it from me, experience it yourself.

Here is the challenge:

For the next seven days, take 15 minutes a day and one scripture, and put it through the Praise, Pray, and Memorize, funnel and let’s see what God does in your heart.

  1. Pick the same time every day (just FYI- 15 more minutes of sleep will not help you like 15 minutes with God)

  2. Read Colossians 3:2 – “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

  3. Praise and Pray this verse.  Example: God, thank you for the power of Your Word. Lord, help me focus my mind on the things that are of You, life-giving. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  4. Memorize Colossians 3:2.

  5. Some things to set your mind on: Whatever is true (God’s Word is the truth), noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.

For you overachievers:  Read Colossians Chapter 3 (it is a short book) at least twice in 7 days.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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