Get Used to Different by Taylor Williams and Tanya Magnus

grayscale of sheep on green lawn

In season one, episode 7 of The Chosen, Jesus and Simon Peter are having a conversation. Simon Peter is in disbelief that Jesus has called the hated tax collector, Matthew, to become a follower.

Simon Peter proceeds to tell Jesus:
“I don’t get it.”
“You didn’t get it when I chose you either.”
Simon Peter:
“But this is different. I’m not a tax collector.”
“Get used to different.”

I about lost my mind when I first saw this episode. Because it just showed me how radically different Jesus is than the rest of the world. He chooses to love not just some but ALL. Because He loves unconditionally, we should expect God to do things differently than we think He should. You can see why it’s in our best interest to fully trust in Him. Because “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8, we can rely on and know His ways are higher than ours.
Tanya here: One thing to point out about Taylor’s observation is in those days, the disciple chose what Rabbi they would follow based on their knowledge of the Torah. But radically different was Rabbi Jesus. He chose sinners, tax collectors, all backgrounds, etc., along with you and I, to follow Him. Why? Because Jesus is personal! Jesus cares more for us than the 613 laws of the Torah. So, get used to different.

Lord, thank you for being different. Thank you for not being like other “gods.” You are the only True God, our creator. You are accepting, loving, and kind. You chose us even though we didn’t choose you. How grateful we are. God, I pray we keep trusting in You, fully! May we come to Your Word already believing. We love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We encourage you to watch The Chosen Series. You can download “The Chosen App” and watch the episodes on your phone or airplay it onto your T.V.
But for now, see the link below for season 1, episode 7.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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