“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
What’s Included?
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Two nights stay in a charming, beautifully decorated Inn in East Texas at purehoperanch.com
Friday evening dinner, Saturday Brunch and Dinner, Sunday breakfast.
Coffee bar and snacks all day.
Equipping from experienced, trained teachers.
Notebook and other printed materials.
Expect lots of laughter, fellowship, and restoration.
We are so passionate about your spiritual growth and living with the purpose God created you for, we want this weekend to be life-changing, not just inspiring. We want to prepare your heart for the weekend and then walk with you for the next 30 days. You will receive the following:
Pre-Event Contact
3 weeks of email + video communication before the encounter weekend from your expert equippers to prepare your hearts and minds.
Post-Event Mentoring
Weeks of video mentoring after the encounter weekend, allowing you to ask questions too.
Early Access
By participating in this Encounter Weekend, you’ll have early access to register for new upcoming Encounter Weekends.
What People Are Saying
Discovering your purpose and how to use your gifts for God’s glory is a game changer! God will show you so many things you’ve always wanted to hear through Tanya’s gift of teaching! If you have ever wondered what your true Godly purpose is—take this weekend and watch how God will show up and speak to you!”Sarah JohnsonParticipant
Discovering your purpose and how to use your gifts for God’s glory is a game changer! God will show you so many things you’ve always wanted to hear through Tanya’s gift of teaching! If you have ever wondered what your true Godly purpose is—take this weekend and watch how God will show up and speak to you!”
Sarah JohnsonParticipant
Discovering your purpose and how to use your gifts for God’s glory is a game changer! God will show you so many things you’ve always wanted to hear through Tanya’s gift of teaching! If you have ever wondered what your true Godly purpose is—take this weekend and watch how God will show up and speak to you!”
Sarah JohnsonParticipant
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Tanya Magnus
Tanya has over 27 years of business ownership, leadership training, mentoring/coaching, and Bible teaching. She loves being a constant student of the Bible and declares what Jeremiah said, “his word is in my heart like a fire, I am weary of holding it in, indeed, I cannot. Tanya’s God-given gifts combined with her education, equipping skills, and broad knowledge from personal and professional experiences, make her approach and style very impactful! Her deepest passion is to guide women to become all that God has intended.
Andrea Grammer
Andrea introduces herself as, “Hi my name is Andrea and I have a new life in Christ.” Just by her introduction, you can hear the freedom in her words. But wait for to you hear her teach! As a recovering alcoholic and addict who’s been sober since August 14th of 2008, Andrea desires every woman to experience His redemption and live a new life in Christ. Andrea serves her church as a teacher and leader in a Recovery Life Group and Regeneration Ministry. Embracing, encouraging, and teaching women is Andrea’s mission in life.
Register to Experience
Incredible Impact
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
What’s Included?
Two nights stay in a charming, beautifully decorated Inn in East Texas at purehoperanch.com
Friday evening dinner, Saturday Brunch and Dinner, Sunday breakfast.
Coffee bar and snacks all day.
Equipping from experienced, trained teachers.
Notebook and other printed materials.
Expect lots of laughter, fellowship, and restoration.
We are so passionate about your spiritual growth and living with the purpose God created you for, we want this weekend to be life-changing, not just inspiring. We want to prepare your heart for the weekend and then walk with you for the next 30 days. You will receive the following:
Pre-Event Contact
3 weeks of email + video communication before the encounter weekend from your expert equippers to prepare your hearts and minds.
Post-Event Mentoring
Weeks of video mentoring after the encounter weekend, allowing you to ask questions too.
Early Access
By participating in this Encounter Weekend, you'll have early access to register for new upcoming Encounter Weekends.
What People Are Saying
Tanya Magnus
Tanya has over 27 years of business ownership, leadership training, mentoring/coaching, and Bible teaching. She loves being a constant student of the Bible and declares what Jeremiah said, “his word is in my heart like a fire, I am weary of holding it in, indeed, I cannot. Tanya’s God-given gifts combined with her education, equipping skills, and broad knowledge from personal and professional experiences, make her approach and style very impactful! Her deepest passion is to guide women to become all that God has intended.
Andrea Grammer
Andrea introduces herself as, “Hi my name is Andrea and I have a new life in Christ.” Just by her introduction, you can hear the freedom in her words. But wait for to you hear her teach! As a recovering alcoholic and addict who’s been sober since August 14th of 2008, Andrea desires every woman to experience His redemption and live a new life in Christ. Andrea serves her church as a teacher and leader in a Recovery Life Group and Regeneration Ministry. Embracing, encouraging, and teaching women is Andrea’s mission in life.