Do you poop out at parties?

girl reading book

Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle, Vitameatavegamin.

So, I probably just dated myself. The above lines are from the famous “I Love Lucy” episode where Lucy is rehearsing for a commercial to promote a health solution called Vitameatavegamin. At the end of the commercial, she takes a spoonful and says, “it’s so tasty, too!” 

Ok, so let me nerd out on you.  I couldn’t help but think this is what the Scriptures are- tasty. In the time of history the Bible was written, the Jewish people didn’t “read” the Scriptures, they would refer to it as “feasting on the Word” because they approached the Word of God as letting the Word feed them.  The Scriptures were their Vitameatavegamin.  Ours too!

The issue is most of us dont know how to read the Bible. Many have  the impression that you must be theologically trained to read and understand the Bible. And that simply is not true. 

I remember years ago reading a verse or two and wondering how in the world did the Pastor get that message out of those two scriptures.  I also remember reading a passage and thinking I must not be smart enough because I sure don’t understand what these verses mean. 

Friends, when I learned to read the Bible, my whole world changed. It was transformational. One of Choose to Soar’s greatest passions is for you to be in God’s Word. The Scriptures are the primary way the Lord communicates with us. And when you hear God speak to you, you can’t help but be changed.

God tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17; All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

God doesn’t say the scriptures are to be taught only by theologians, or Bible scholars, to people.  No, it is for you and me to read, eat, feast upon. All Scriptures will guide, comfort, teach us real truth, prepare us, equip us, and gives us life.

You don’t have to be intimidated anymore by the Word of God.  Come join us September 16-18, 2022, for an Encounter Weekend called, Learn to Love the Word.  A couple of testimonies about this training.

God’s Word really is alive! I have fallen in love with reading the Bible and hearing and seeing God for myself. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  Gloria

I cant’ believe I have been in church my whole life and have never been taught how to read the Bible like this. I am forever grateful for this training.  Debbie

Make reading God’s Word a priority today. Go to our website and register now for Learn to Love the Word.  Spend a weekend with us on a 1000-acre ranch in Mt. Vernon, Texas. We are confident you will walk away thirsting for God’s Word like never before! Sign-up now as space is limited.

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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