A Heart Undivided

two red hearts cutout

We all know that our heart is a vital organ, I mean, if you are a fan of breathing, a heart is needed. Psychologically speaking, our heart can perceive, reflect, imagine, can be hard, mad, is wise, and much more.  Emotionally speaking, our heart experiences anything from joy, sorrow, affection, fear, discouragement, hatred, and much more.  You can have a gentle heart, a faithful heart, as well as a deceitful and arrogant heart.  

With our hearts being so complex, you can see how our heart can sadly be divided.  The Scripture’s talk about guarding our heart with all diligence, above all else!   That should give us warning as to what is filling our hearts. 

Think of it like this; our hearts are constantly open to influences. So, the same heart that can be “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer 17:9) can also become the sanctuary of divine love and the Spirit (Rom 5:5). 

God wants to transform your heart. His Words in Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  Ponder those words for a moment.  First, look at what it doesn’t say. It doesn’t say, “Sometimes, when you feel like it, guard your heart.” No, it says, “Above all else.” Why is this so important? Because the heart is the depository of all wisdom and the source of whatever affects life and character.  The message paraphrase says to “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.”  

What are you feeding your heart? Remember the adage, “trash in, trash out?” God gives us warnings, but He follows them up with wisdom and direction.  If you keep reading Proverbs 4, you will see the solution to guarding your heart.  

If you find yourself being cynical, hateful, quick to speak words of destruction, you might look at what you are listening to, or watching.  Are you spending your time with people or things that do not bring life? Isaiah 55 basically asks the same question, why do you spend time on things that do not satisfy?  

I believe you can only love others well from the overflow. Take time and fill yourself with the life-giving water of Jesus and let Him fill you to the overflow. Making your path’s straight, and your heart full. 

Father God, grant us great desire and thirst to sit are your well of living water. To keep our eyes gazed on you and set our minds on things above.  Fill us to the overflow so that we can strengthen and sustain others.  In Jesus name, Amen.

If you are needing prayer, please send your requests to us so that our prayer team can stand with you in prayer!

Picture of Tanya Magnus

Tanya Magnus

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